This sorority must be pretty well funded because they rented out a whole banquet room for these interviews with the pledges. I bet they inducted some pledges into the sisterhood afterwards because it does look like it’s setup for a party. The girls they interviewed were filmed and all of them fucked, or at least ate some pussy. This girl you see pictured here is the absolute hottest I mean those are some perfect natural tits are they not? She is made to strip down and then a sister comes up and feels those amazing tits and then uses a vibrator to make her cum. The other girls came in pairs and usually just ate each other out. I think this is the final interview before you become a full sister, pretty crazy but man is it hot! This video is suppose to be used kind of like blackmail but it looks like the sister keeping this video got a little greedy like all the rest and sold it to Haze Her for $20,000 bucks, I would too though.