Running The Wings
This my friends is what we call ‘running the wings’…see these two amateur friends up top? They’re just two pals, maybe sisters maybe just friends, on vacation somewhere warm and sunny and you know they’re both on the lookout for a little action. The thing is, the blonde chick on the left is like ten times as hot so she gets all the attention so the girl on the right has to run the wings…she gets the castoffs, the dudes who come in 2nd place, the guys who just can’t quite get up the cojones to talk to that knockout on the left (just look at those tits and those hips!). She’s not ugly by any means, she’s got a cute face and a decent body it’s just that by comparison to Lefty there she just falls short…she seems a little glum about that fact too, judging by the look on her face. Oh well wingrunner, you just keep on scoopin up the easy pickins and have a time of it! Hopefully their vacation went well all around. This photo comes to you from Double Viking, they’ve got tons of pictures of hotties and articles about fun stuff, it’s a great place to spend awhile when you’ve got some time to kill at work or whatever!
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